How do you know what you want to do when you grow up?
When you watch high school students celebrate their last day, or see university graduates throwing their hats in the air, or listen to speakers at some fancy events talk about their roles in so-and-so companies, it always seems that if only you reach that point, then you will figure it all out.
Everyone measures the level of maturity or grown-up-ness or life-figurability by various factors. For some — it is how much you earn, for others — if you have done the socially-approved duties like getting married or having kids.
But then as you age, earn money, get a dog (because, screw you, norms), you realise that you have no idea what you want to do when you “grow up”.
The cool thing is you never need to know exactly what you want to do.
Becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable could be the goal. Embracing the unknown and the fact that you will probably never really know is a hard task and probably one worth embracing.
In my what-do-I-know opinion figuring out what kind of person you want to be and what drives you, at least currently, is a more important venture.
“We are always one decision away from living a completely different life.” And then one more decision. And one more. And one more.
As I write this, I lie in my bed feeling so torn about what I want to do next. Feeling so uninspired with myself. I am writing this because I chose to embrace being uncomfortable long time ago and now I need to remind myself how important it has been. One small life-altering decision at a time.