What are you against?
We are constantly told not to complain and not to think negatively. Hell, I agree with that, complaint with no follow up action is useless. It rots you and your converstaion companions from the inside, it doesn’t add value to your day or to their day. It doesn’t add value to your life. At all. As Tim Ferriss said, if you complain about anything, propose an action straight after. Be the change you seek (very cliche).
However, sometimes I find myself disliking people, situations, places, rules with no counter action proposals whatsoever. I don’t like myself for it. But I am beginning to realise more and more that some things aaand people won’t add anything to your life. You are in this world to improve, to help and inspire, but if you feel like you have been trying so hard and now you are getting your inner piece ripped out, stop and walk away.
Things I’m against:
- Unwillingless to change your opinions
- Lack of ability to listen to your opponent (whether it is a friend or an foe)
- Being inert and slow to adapt/ slow to alter things
- Lack of action especially in fields that can affect you (like the presidential elections, of course)
- Complaning about the state of things without proposing any action (how many times a day I read posts on facebook from people about how we need cheaper education, lower taxes, cheaper living and cheaper transport — well, cool! Tell us how to do all of this you smartie pants)!
- Not liking something but being comfortable enough to ever do anything
List can go on but the main point is — it is up to us how we live and what we feel and who we deal with. Be a change! Be the person you need to lead your country. Be the person you want your kids to look up to. Be the person you want your friends to be.
I am learning how to deal with things that I don’t like in life at the moment. I stopped talking to people that I couldn’t deal with anymore. I try not to do things that I say anything less but ‘fuck yeah!’ to (inspired by Derek Sivers).
While writing this post I realised that I have a couple of friends who I dearly love but whose actions offended me at one point or another and I never said anything. Instead I am holding it in and complaning to myself and not feeling any better about it.
Call for action: Go out there and tell someone you care about if they upset you and why. It will clear the air up so freaking much. If they take it badly and continue doing what they are doing — wow, you learned a whole bunch then! Maybe it was not meant to be altogether.