What Would You Be Doing If You Didn’t Get Caught Up In Things All The Fucking Time?
Getting caught up in life is a weird argument we tend to use to justify our state of probably being-a-bit-too-busy-and-not-too-happy. It is a terrible joke we play on ourselves that lets us continuously do unproductive and useless stuff.
While we are aware of our inertia most of the time, we don’t always realise how much potentially great/ productive/ valuable/ usefull or just time we are wasting “being busy” (with work, with friends, saving or spending, watching TV or travelling).
Being busy is a choice and we don’t need to be busy to gain importance. Because if you are too busy to do something you actually want to do or meet someone you actually want to see, then you have a big problem with prioritising and orginising your life.
If you find yourself constantly having to postpone something because “other things come up”, maybe it is not your priority and you don’t actually want to do it. Simple.
Your mental picture becomes so much more uncluttered and clear when you do things that you deem imporant and see people that you want to see.
Don’t be caught up and then you might find time for an opportunity that can change your life.
One really great person said to me once: only dead fish go with the flow. So don’t go with the flow. Stop filling your life with things and ask yourself: What would I be doing if I didn’t get caught up in things all the fucking time? :)